Wrap Up
There you have it, the five keys to cultivating a joyful life. If it seems overly simplistic or easy, it’s because IT IS! I find when I practice these 6 habits daily, I am a happy, energetic person who thoroughly and genuinely enjoys my life. The more consistently I do these habits, the more the joy builds upon itself. When I get away from these habits I find myself slipping back to a cranky, anxious mindset and life can start feeling more like a chore than the blessing and adventure it truly is.
Tips for making the habits stick:
Start small: do one tiny habit consistently until it’s second nature and then build up from there
Be Kind to yourself: If you forget to do your habits for a day (or a week), don’t beat yourself up, just do your habit as soon as you remember and congratulate yourself for remembering.
Set reminders: This is huge! Otherwise in 6 months time you may completely forget you ever took this mini-course. You can set reminders in your phone through apps or alarms. Put your list of joy creators on your mirror or hanging by your bed. Put a sticky note on the dash of your car.
Teach other people: If you teach another person about any of these skills, they are more likely to stick in your brain!
Last minute Pep Talk
Thank you dear friend, for taking the time to work through this course and commit to being a more joyful you! Your joy WILL be contagious and will have ripple effects you can’t even imagine. This is your one beautiful life and you are meant to enjoy it. You have capacities and potential beyond your wildest dreams- building your joy will expand your thinking, your consciousness, and your presence. Go now and enjoy your life, and spread that joy and love around!