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Habit 1: Gratitude

Train your brain to focus on abundance over lack.



Gratitude is the key to experiencing deep abiding contentment, fulfillment, and a deep sense of “enough-ness.” I'm sure to some degree you're already aware of this. Gratitude is a buzzword that gets thrown around a lot, but how often do people make it a consistent, non-negotiable part of their day?

Gratitude will be our keystone habit for cultivating deep and abiding joy, and the effects can be felt instantly after doing a gratitude practice. This is why we start the course here. If a daily gratitude practice is the only habit you adopt after finishing this course, you WILL notice a boost in your happiness.

In this Module you will learn:

  • Why your brain is wired for negativity

  • How to incorporate gratitude practices into your day to day life

  • How gratitude plays into the law of attraction and manifesting your dreams.

Watch the lesson below and download the workbook below to go deeper.


Go deeper into the “how” of applying these concepts to your life