Habit 6: Kindness
Spread your joy to others, and find more joy in the process.
Acts of Kindness
Hopefully by this point in the course you are already starting to feel more joyful in your day to day life. So what is the next step up from there? Spreading your joy to others.
Engaging in regular intentional acts of kindness helps you feel like you are living in line with your values. It gives you a feeling of integrity, purpose and worth. When we are literally being the change we wish to see in the world, we develop a sense of agency and activation in our lives as we create and spread hope.
You will find that incorporating mindful acts of kindness into your daily practice will not only make others around you happier, it will make you happier.
Life simply gets more beautiful for everyone when you create and spread your joy.
Watch the lesson below and download the workbook below to go deeper.