How I help:
Life Design Deep Dive
90 min session where we assess where you are at now, clarify your big dreams, and identify the next steps for getting there.
VIP One-on-one coaching
3 months of unlimited support towards your goals. We meet bi-weekly for 6 one hour coaching sessions via zoom where we assess what’s working and what’s not, hack into your mindset, and adjust your habits with an actionable plan.
Small Group Office hours Coaching
Come together with other kind ambitious souls on a self-development and awakening journey to receive coaching, guidance, support, and community. Every Saturday from 10-11am Eastern.
Align: Self-care Course for sensitive souls
Do you identify as a helper and healer, as well as an empath/highly-sensitive person? This is the course to help you accentuate the power of your gifts, while reducing the suffering that can come from being an energetic sponge.
Cultivating Joy Online course
Learn how to actively reprogram your brain and behavior for joy, success, and ease.