How I help:

  • Life Design Deep Dive

    • 90 min session where we assess where you are at now, clarify your big dreams, and identify the next steps for getting there.

  • VIP One-on-one coaching

    • 3 months of unlimited support towards your goals. We meet bi-weekly for 6 one hour coaching sessions via zoom where we assess what’s working and what’s not, hack into your mindset, and adjust your habits with an actionable plan.

  • Small Group Office hours Coaching

    • Come together with other kind ambitious souls on a self-development and awakening journey to receive coaching, guidance, support, and community. Every Saturday from 10-11am Eastern.

  • Align: Self-care Course for sensitive souls

    • Do you identify as a helper and healer, as well as an empath/highly-sensitive person? This is the course to help you accentuate the power of your gifts, while reducing the suffering that can come from being an energetic sponge.

  • Cultivating Joy Online course

    • Learn how to actively reprogram your brain and behavior for joy, success, and ease.