I can’t create more time for you by adding hours to your day but I can teach you how to use the time you have with intention and clarity. This will result in you feeling like you suddenly have SPACE in your schedule that didn’t seem to exist before.


    I’m going to teach you the powerful but SIMPLE tools I use to help my clients calm their nervous systems so they feel less reactive and stressed. We will systematically minimize your personal stressors as well as create more emotional resilience when things do attempt to upset your peace.


    Our energy ebbs and flows but you’ll notice when you cut out the fluff and the things that no longer serve you, you’ll have more time and energy to do the things you love.

The day starts in a flurry.

Your kids need breakfast, the dog needs walked, and your favorite jeans are in the wash.

You’re deciding on a full makeup day (done in the car) or a no makeup day (because… time).

You realize you still need to stop at the post office, respond to that pressing text, and prep for your next meeting in 30 min.

It’s not even 9 am and you’re already overwhelmed.

If this sounds like you, then it’s time to streamline.

  • If you have a big heart and live to serve others…

    • and know you are someone prone to overscheduling, overgiving, overthinking, and overall stretching yourself too thin, this mastermind is for you.

  • If you are an ambitious soul with big dreams…

    • but find yourself back-burnering your passion projects for an endless list of mundane tasks and too many responsibilities to count, this mastermind is for you.

  • If you have been seeking peace in your life…

    • but still find yourself too often overwhelmed and surrounded chaos in your home, office, or mind, this mastermind is for you.



In The Streamline Mastermind we’re going to get your life in order in 8 delicious weeks together.

  • Week 1: Life Audit & Goal Setting

  • Week 2: Life Design 101

  • Week 3: Streamlining Your Mindset

  • Week 4: Streamlining Your Schedule

  • Week 5: Essential Health Habits

  • Week 6: Delegation & Boundaries

  • Week 7: Streamlining Your Spaces

  • Week 8: Reflection & Celebration


  • Kicks off September 19th!

  • 8 weeks of classes held Thursdays at 1 pm Central

  • Unlimited, on-the-fly, support via Slack

  • A workbook for each of the 8 sections

  • Supportive tools & resources to streamline your life

  • A 1-Hour 1:1 per person for customized TLC

You already do it all for everyone else.

It’s time to prioritize yourself.

I’m Allison and I’m a therapist turned life design coach!

I specialize in helping highly sensitive, high-achieving women prioritize themselves to increase their income, impact, and peace. I you find yourself too often feeling scattered and stretched thin, welcome to the club. Let’s spend 8 weeks reprogramming your mindset and daily systems to help you feel focused, rested, and POTENT.


  • You will get the most out of attending live, but life happens. Strive to show up to at least have the live sessions, but know they will be recorded and shared as well.

  • If you'd like to pay in two installments of $755 message me directly and I'll send you a special link.

  • Show up for 1 hour live once per week, and I encourage you to check into the group via slack at least a few times a week.

  • Yes and no. If you are signing up for this mastermind, then I assume you want to make tangible changes in your life right now. Each week you will learn tips and skills you can apply to your life, and I'll prompt you to identify low-hanging fruit or important to-do's to activate each week. Thus, projects or homework will be self-identified and self-directed. I will check in and encourage you, but this is all for the betterment of your own life, not for a grade!



  • "I wish I'd found you 10 years ago."

    Becca, C-Suite Exec

  • "This is the most at ease I've ever felt in my life. Even my friends & family have noticed."

    Wendy, Small Biz Owner & Attorney

  • "I feel more in control of my mind and body."

    Elizabeth, Researcher