Self-Care is an Ongoing Journey
A lot of people ask me why I started Self-Care Consulting.
The REAL answer is, I’ve historically been so bad at self-care. I’d give all my time and energy to everyone and everything else and would leave myself depleted. Then I’d wonder why I was putting positivity into the world but feeling tired and grouchy at the end of the day. I knew the things I SHOULD be doing for self-care (I think we all do to some degree), but I hadn’t done the deeper inner work to deeply believe that I DESERVE that time for myself. I didn’t fully realize I actually NEED that time to show up the way I’d like to.
You’ve heard the adage, “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” The more I do this inner work, the more I realize the SWEETEST place to operate from in life is to really fill your own cup first, and then give to others from the OVERFLOW.
This may sound selfish, but it’s really not, and here’s why: the more self-care work you do (i.e. really taking INTENTIONAL time to take care of your mind, body and spirit), the more that cup overflows 😉 and the more you have to give. Life becomes easeful and beautiful. I know this to be true from experience.
In many ways I still struggle to prioritize my own self-care— just as soon as I get in a good routine, life throws a curveball and I have to pivot and grow. So I’m right there on this journey with my clients. But I am committed to stay in this journey of prioritizing self-care at all costs. Yes, I keep falling off, but I keep coming back, and I will keep coming back.
Even in hard seasons of life where it’s hard to juggle it all, I LOVE doing this work; it’s magical watching both myself and my clients transform into more joyful, intentional, purposeful, loving beacons of light.
I do this through coaching people on how to remove their mental blocks, structure their time and direct their mental and emotional energy to unapologetically pursue whatever brings them the most purpose and joy in life. I do this both one-on-one, and in group coaching experiences.
Cultivating Joy is my next group experience doing this work together in community with a group of committed, like-minded individuals who want to invest the time and money into becoming the very best, most JOYFUL version of themselves. This experience will kick on February 20th. For more information about what that experience will entail, click here: I really can’t wait!
Wishing you all a joyful weekend, and if you haven’t asked yourself this yet this week, I’ll go ahead and ask you now:
What do you need to relax, rejuvenate, and claim your joy this weekend?