The world needs awakened, peaceful leaders, now more than ever.
With political upheaval and an uncertain future, the world can feel like a chaotic, scary place these days.
Add the collective stress to our own personal struggles, and it can feel like a battle to feel good, focused, or purposeful most days.
However, when you are vibrating at the frequency of JOY (think love, peace, and enlightened energy combined) you are your most POWERFUL, impactful self.
It turns out we can INDUCE real, deep, abiding joy, peace, purpose with the right mindset and behavior shifts, in as little as 5 to 10 minutes a day.
Welcome to Cultivating Joy, the group coaching course that will make YOU the creator of your own happiness.
As a licensed psychotherapist, certified yoga teacher, and life coach, I’ve spent the last 15 years collecting wisdom from the fields of positive psychology, psychotherapy, neuroscience, meditation, mindfulness, yoga, self-help, and spirituality. In my years of study and practice, I have found evidence-based practices that support a joyful life, common to all these fields of wisdom. I have spent the last three years distilling this knowledge into 6 easy, essential habits that rewire the brain and nervous system to begin to make peace and joy your default state. Joy is a magnetic frequency that facilitates connection and heals yourself and everyone you come contact with. This is why pursuing joy is not hedonistic, but rather ESSENTIAL to your success and the betterment of the world around you.
In this course you will learn:
The 6 essential habits that cultivate joy (and banish unnecessary worry, overwhelm, & grouchiness).
An understanding of the neuroscience and psychology behind why the work and how you are rewiring your brain for good feelings.
How to “hack” the obstacles that prevent you from experiencing the ease, peace and joy you desire.
The skills and strategies to seamlessly work these habits into your daily life and make them stick.
How to take the joy you cultivate and put it to work within your values and purpose.
The habits in this course have been proven to INSTANTLY boost your mood as well as lay the foundation for happiness, contentment and joy in the future.
The objective of this course is to show you how EASY it can be to change your mindset and transform your experience of life in as little as 5-10 minutes a day, when you know what to do!