Home Blessing


Cleansing negative energy

Humans are “energetic” beings. Can you think of someone who instantly makes you feel calm and comforted when you’re in their presence? Or conversely, someone who’s energy makes you nervous, exhausted or irritable when you’re around them? Every person has their own unique “energy” or "vibe.” Similarly, the homes we live in can absorb these energies, both good and bad. Every so often it helps to cleanse and release any stale, negative energies and invite light, love and goodness to fully fill the space.

As a natural empath and intuitive, I am highly sensitive to the “energy” in others and in their homes, and what is needed to step into balance and wellness. Blessing a home is something I do with the homeowner actively involved to usher in a new chapter of love, ease and light.

When this is especially helpful:

  1. After moving into a new home- often you can still subtly feel the energy of the people who used to live there.

  2. After a big transition in your life- i.e. after a divorce, getting sober, a major loss in your life, a long period of depression.

  3. If you are a caretaker for someone who is very sick or for someone who has died in the home.

  4. You feel the presence of an unwanted spirit or negative entity in your home.

  5. You’re feeling “stuck,” overwhelmed, or unhappy in your home and want to get out of your rut.


My Method:

  1. I invite the homeowner(s) to center themselves through a few short breathing and relaxation exercises, and invite them to bring themselves to a spiritually “open” state.

  2. I either burn sage or sprinkle holy water (your choice depending on your own religious or spiritual values) in every room of the house.

  3. We go room to room and I ask you the current use of the room and any significant history of the room (this is especially important for any past traumas that may have occurred in the room, or for anyone who has been a caretaker for a loved one who died at home).

  4. Together we invoke the releasing of any stale, negative energies and invite in all the positive qualities you wish to exist in your home going forward.

  5. We close with a prayer, blessing or intention.

Benefits of Blessing a Home

Most people report an instant “lifting” of any heavy or oppressive feelings in the home. People feel more at ease and comfortable in the home, sensing they are surrounded with love and positive energy.

Blessing a home works on two levels, both psychological and spiritual. The process of going room to room and confronting negativity and things you’d like to release is incredibly powerful and healing for your mental and emotional health. For some people, it’s an experience similar to a powerful therapy session that helps they release past traumas, burdens, guilt, shame… you name it.

On a spiritual level, there is nothing more powerful than positive human intention, especially when inviting in infinite love from God/the universe.

Need your home blessed?

*Allison is currently only available to bless homes in Northeast Ohio. The cost of Home Blessing is $50 per half hour.